For the second time, I was invited to give a keynote speech on the “Entrepreneurial landscape” at the Entrepreneurship Academy of the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes.
Roundtable “Women in Tech” by Projekt Zukunft
In September 2019, I was invited to a fantastic round table about “Women in Tech: Empower female networks in Berlin”, initiated by Project Zukunft Berlin, happening at the Grace Accelerator in Kreuzberg.
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Assistant Professor for Digital Entrepreneurship & Diversity
I am very happy to announce that I now support the Department of Information Systems at Freie Universität Berlin as an Assistant Professor of Digital Entrepreneurship and Diversity. Visit my website for my information on my research, teaching and Projekt work.
Female Co-Founder Pitch Night
One of the many highlights of my second Womenventures Summer School was the “Looking for Female Co-Founders Pitch Night” that I organized together with Heike Gäbler and Microsoft.
Hello Diversity! Conference
I have recently organized the Hello Diversity! Conference to encourage discussions on distinct facets of entrepreneurial diversity in a digital age and kickstart research projects on that matter.
Pitch Training & Guest Lecture on the Startup Ecosystem in Berlin at Ruhr-Universität Bochum
I was invited by Prof. Uta Wilkens and Simon Rohde to give a pitch training and guest lecture on the Startup Ecosystem Berlin in their seminar “Regional Innovation“.
WoMenventures Summer School – Successful Start of a New Course Series on Entrepreneurial Diversity
A fellowship of the Stifterverband enabled to launch a new course series on “Entrepreneurial Diversity” at the Freie Universität Berlin and Charité. The first round, entitled “WoMenventures”, focused on women’s perspective on entrepreneurship and involved role models of successful female entrepreneurs who shared their experiences and coached the first batch of 25 students and scientists.
Teaching “Principles of Business Economics” with Entrepreneurial Spirit
Imagine you have 120 Bachelor students from all kinds of disciplines who have committed themselves to learn everything about the “Principles of Business Economics” in just one semester. I have accepted this challenge in summer 2016 and designed a new course format in which students do not only learn but also experience what it takes to “do business”.
Continue reading “Teaching “Principles of Business Economics” with Entrepreneurial Spirit”
Womenventures Berlin Meetup – Creating a new community!
First and foremost entrepreneurship is about supporting each other. Giving back and providing support is essential for the Berlin startup ecosystem to grow further. Continue reading “Womenventures Berlin Meetup – Creating a new community!”
Entrepreneurial Learnings from Stefan Raab and Oliver Kahn @ Bits & Pretzels 2017
Success and failure stories of prominent entrepreneurs are popular keynotes at many startup events but even if you feel that you’ve already heart everything, it was kind of special to listen to Stefan Raab and Oliver Kahn. In case you were not one of the lucky 5,000 participants at Bits & Pretzels, you’ll find the key takeaways of their session here.
Continue reading “Entrepreneurial Learnings from Stefan Raab and Oliver Kahn @ Bits & Pretzels 2017”