For the second time, I was invited to give a keynote speech on the “Entrepreneurial landscape” at the Entrepreneurship Academy of the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes.
Hello Diversity! Conference
I have recently organized the Hello Diversity! Conference to encourage discussions on distinct facets of entrepreneurial diversity in a digital age and kickstart research projects on that matter.
WoMenventures Summer School – Successful Start of a New Course Series on Entrepreneurial Diversity
A fellowship of the Stifterverband enabled to launch a new course series on “Entrepreneurial Diversity” at the Freie Universität Berlin and Charité. The first round, entitled “WoMenventures”, focused on women’s perspective on entrepreneurship and involved role models of successful female entrepreneurs who shared their experiences and coached the first batch of 25 students and scientists.
Teaching “Principles of Business Economics” with Entrepreneurial Spirit
Imagine you have 120 Bachelor students from all kinds of disciplines who have committed themselves to learn everything about the “Principles of Business Economics” in just one semester. I have accepted this challenge in summer 2016 and designed a new course format in which students do not only learn but also experience what it takes to “do business”.
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